Songs are a FUN way to learn English
You can't expect young children to learn English without a LOT LOT LOT of repetition...Making this repetition fun is down to the skill of the teacher and the resources you choose.
Songs are absolutely IDEAL for language learning as children love them and will want to hear them over and over again - perfect for vocabulary acquistion and language learning.
You may have noticed that if you expect your child or pupils to sit still and listen to you while you show them flashcards, you will not have their attention for long!
Successful ESL teaching is all about variety, movement and using resources that appeal to young children. Young children love games, they love stories and they love songs.
That's why I created these particular songs, as they go hand in hand with the first ten preschool stories, and this was really a missing element in the toolbox. However let me add right now that you can use these songs alone, without the stories too - more on that at the bottom of this page.
Too many words for ESL
One problem with English songs is that very often there is far too much vocabulary and language for ESL learners - after all they were conceived for native speakers.
If you want to get your pupils to the point that they can actually SING along to these songs then you need simple ones, not too many words, and it's even better if the words match up with what you are already teaching in class.
Using games, stories, drama and songs you are now equipped to tackle any topic with the variety that young children need. Otherwise they have a tendency to be bored in two minutes flat.
Teaching English Songs Review
So now for a quick review of the songs themselves - then you may want to listen to the extracts further down...
Simple and repetitive, written especially for young ESL / EFL learners.
The vocabulary and language in the songs matches stories 1 to 10 - Use to sing, move to and act out the stories.
Suitable for teaching individuals, small groups and classrooms
Downloadable activity sheet included for each song. Sing along, dance, do special actions and play suggested games to use during the song.
Activity sheets include ways to act out each song - for individuals and small groups.
With English learners you want to get to the point where the children can sing along, not just listen, and you can do that with these songs.
Musical development in the songs - it's not "tin-can" looping because instrumentation varies as the song moves along making for more satisfiying listening and appreciation, and keeping the song interesting for a long time.
Varied musical styles - give the children a musical education as well as teaching English.
Most songs are originals with some classics with words adapted for ESL and fresh arrangements.
The songs are written to go hand in hand with the two sets of preschool stories. HOWEVER they work on their own too.
11 years ago
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