Importance of English language in Malaysia

In Malaysia , English is widely used as a means of communication between people who have different native languages.
English in Education
In Malaysian School Curriculum English plays an important role too. Malaysia government is spending billions of ringgit in educating even the teachers who are teaching Science and Mathematics in English. Many courses and training are being held in order to have well trained English teachers to teach these important subjects. And we cannot deny that the best knowledgeable books and encyclopedias are in English.
English for News and Information
English is commonly used as a medium for the communication of information and news. Three quarters of all telex messages and telegrams are sent in English. Eighty percent of computer data are processed and stored in English. Much satellite communication is carried in English. Five thousand newspapers, more than half of the newspapers published in the world, are published in English. Even in many countries where English is a minority language, there is at least one newspaper in English. In India alone, there are three thousand magazines published in English. In many countries, television news is broadcast in English. Because of the power of television, demonstrators in every country use signs printed in English for the benefit of the international press.
English for Business, Diplomacy, and the Professions
English is a major language of international business, diplomacy, and science and the professions. It is the language that an Iranian businessman and a Japanese businessman are likely to use to communicate. Important commodities such as silver, tin, and hard currency are traded in English. English is also an official language, or the official language, of many international organizations, including the United Nations and many professional organizations. It is frequently the language of international conferences, and it is the language of international athletics. Throughout the world, many professional papers are published in English. Even papers that are published in other languages often have abstracts in English.
English for Entertainment
Popular culture.
Popular culture has also played an important part in spreading English. American and British popular music are heard all over the world. American movies are seen in almost every country including Malaysia . Books in English are available even in countries where few people actually use English. One reason that students give for learning English is to understand these songs, movies and books.
Other Uses of English
In many former British colonies, English is still used in government and as a medium of communication among people who do not have another language in common. In some cases, it is a neutral language that is used to avoid giving any one indigenous language too much prestige. English is often used in India , because it is neutral. It is the language of government. People who speak English have a certain status in society. It is used for books, music and dance. In Singapore , English is a second language, but it is necessary for daily life. Many private companies use English in their business and looking for candidates who are good in English. Therefore even if the candidate has the best degree but tha main requirement would be given to a candidate with better English proficiency. In addition, sixteen countries in Africa have retained English as the language of government. Now standard English is taught in schools in those countries, because it is necessary for careers.
English is also studied as a foreign language in countries where it is not generally used as a medium of communication. In China , English language lessons are popular TV programs. Two hundred fifty million Chinese--more than the population of the US --are learning English on TV. English is usually the first or most commonly taught foreign language in many countries, and people understand it a little at least. So there is no doubt that English plays an important role in Malaysia and it had allowed most of the Malaysians to upgrade their proficiency level in it.
- Importance of English language in Malaysia.doc
- Star newspaper article - Wednesday January 31, 2007
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